This is a memorial book to highlight and commemorate all the spiritual teachers and mentors. As well as the mediums and healers who laid and shaped the foundation for this beloved church.
While the years continue to gather pace, it is an appreciation of the dedication and support also from the many unsung members and workers for Spirit with their association. Throughout the various churches and centres within their communities, we applaud their commitment in providing a service.
At this particular church known as Light on the Hill it isn't just a place of worship to prove evidence of life after death, or a healing sanctuary .It is also to pride oneself on giving ample service of quality. As the various stories and little ancedotes will show. We hope you will find they are of great interest and inspirational.
After being in service to Spirit since 1936 there is a good reputation and a high standard to uphold, and it is with this hope that Harrow Spiritualist Church with it's long history will continue in it's role to be not just as part of an ever changing community, but as a kindred spirit for all who come through those welcoming doors, for this is both an honour, and a great privilege to be as participants and witnesses. But more importantly to serve Spirit here at the Light on the Hill and as it's motto says for all spiritual workers.
“A healing atmosphere continues to prevail” and by the grace of Spirit's eternal love, guiding hand, and wisdom of truth in love and light as shown in this wonderful book of memories”.
You can scroll through a copy of our History & Memory book below